2018 Toyota Camry

Our long-term 2018 Toyota Camry rolled an additional 1,381 miles onto its odometer in May, helped by a sojourn to Arizona and back to Los Angeles. This was in addition to its usual duties of ferrying editors and their families around the greater metropolitan Los Angeles area.

 2018 Toyota Camry

In fact, this kind of local use has dominated the Camry's time with us. For all its merits, this sedan has eluded frequent use as a road-tripper. Meeting our 20,000-mile bogey for the year will require driving it some 2,400 miles each month from now through September. That level of sustained long drives is not likely to happen.

We added 1,159 miles to our 2018 Toyota Camry in April and pushed it beyond the 10,000-mile threshold. That said, we'll have to pick up the pace and take full advantage of the upcoming summer road-trip season if we hope to total 20,000 miles by its year anniversary at the end of September.

By all rights the Camry should have accumulated more miles this month, but out of necessity it spent much of its time in the suburbs running here and there. It never got much of a chance to stretch its legs on any sort of road trip.

Our 2018 Toyota Camry drove through March anonymously. It came and went without much notice, which, to be honest, is probably what most Camrys do. Thankfully we have nothing much to report. Unless, of course, you have to write an update like I do. That said, we did have a tropical encounter with one of our Camry's cousins and we found a nice little detail about the trunk. Hey, no one said Camrys need to be exciting.

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